How to fix anything

Search for :

Find lost files in Windows

When searching for temporary files in Windows, i.e. you have lost a file which you may have opened in Email, Word, Execl or other Software

Open Windows Explorer (Documents, Computer etc.)

Click tools --> Options

(Hint: If you cannot see tools at the top press the ALT key on the keyboard once)

Click to show Hidden Files

and also

Unclick Hide Operating Files

Click OK

Click on the C Drive and find temp file folder.

In Windows XP it should be here
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Temp

In Windows Vista it should be here C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp

Now click search and type in an * followed by the name of the file excluding the first character and another * at the end (do not put any spaces)

e.g. your search for cv.doc would be *v.doc*
